Anyway, it's almost movie time!!! We will be meeting at Kristy's on the 16th, I think, and then the following weekend is the movie. We can discuss arrangements at the meeting. So, how are you feeling thus far? For those of us who are re-reading the trilogy, are you finding things you missed the first time around? For the newbies, have you been emotionally impacted in a way that you possibly can't put into words?
I have a friend at work that borrowed The Hunger Games upon my suggestion. She loved the Twilight series that I twisted her arm into reading and assumed that I would be right on this trilogy. Of course I was. ;+) I don't see her everyday, but when I do, she is overwhelmed with the roller coaster of emotion that the book is taking her on. The last time we spoke, she was near the end of Mockingjay. I can't wait to hear her reaction to the final book. As well as all of yours!!!
See you soon!!!
Yes...I am emotionally impacted about Finnick! Can't wait to meet about it...Really can't wait for the MOVIE! BTW...I'm totally loving the Cival Wars and agree that the video lacked but the song is good even though TS sings it. I can see that song being the track for when Katniss & Peeta are in the cave...touching!