So...what did you think? We didn't get to discuss after the movie and I want to know your thoughts!!!
with their near Amish apparel. What is that about? They should have all looked practical in their attire, not as if they had survived the Holocaust.
First of all...District 12...?!?!? I didn't like the looks of it. The story is being told in the future after the government has seized full control of Panem the country "once known as North America". Why did District 12 look as if the Mayflower just docked? Honestly, I hope they didn't spend a lot of money on the set because they could have driven to Hazard and filmed those same people and structures. Katnis stood out like a sore thumb. Her hair was dark and her clothes were fairly modern-a leather jacket a black top and form fitting pants with combat boots.
Everyone else looked like the children oof the corn

But the Hob is what hurt me the most. I had always envisioned it to be something like an abandoned tobacco warehouse with a bar and a black market/flea market sort of set up. Some toothless vagrants and leathery old drunkards the patrons. If that old lady was Greasy Sae, why didn't she get introduced to the audience? She is in all three books. Her role was big enough to at least acknowledge who she is.
Okay, onto the Capitol. I thought it was spot on. The vibrant colors and the air of arrogance from everyone. I loved the host, played by Stanley Tucci. I can't think of the characters name, but I thought he did a great job. My fave from the Capitol though, had to be Effie Trinkett. Her costuming and make-up were great. Elizabeth Banks played her perfectly. You thought she was shallow and vain, but you liked her anyway. She seemed to mean well.
Woody Harrelson was the perfect Haymitch. He was just sarcastic enough to make you understand Katniss' distaste for him, but genuine enough to make you see why Peeta cared about him.
Overall, I think the movie stayed true to the book and I did notice that Suzanne Collins was credited in part with the screenplay, so she had a hand in trimming the "fat", so to speak. The last comment I will make, which I know has you on the edge of your seat (LOL), is that the lighting of the film could have been better. Remember the Twilight movies? (LOL, like you could forget) They had a certain dark quality to the coloring of the actual film. A blue/gray tint, almost. I think to convey the darkness and hopelessness of this story, they could have darkened the film a bit. It just seemed to have the brightness of a home video or romantic comedy instead of a gritty drama/action film. As colorful as Transformers is, it still has a dark tint to the film to indicated the peril of the situation. Sorry, if you don't get what I'm saying...I just found it a little lacking in expression.
Now, I write these things and no one comments!!!! Please comment. This is OUR blog. If you ever want to post something, like a review or pics, let me know. But PLEASE comment. Let this be an open forum for our discussions when we can't physically be together.
I was really impressed, actually, by District 12. Not necessarily The Hob, but to me the weathered houses and the encroaching wild is exactly right. You could tell by the types of plants, too, that they filmed somewhere in Appalachia to get the right look.
ReplyDeleteI agree about her outfit in the beginning, though. I justified it by saying that she's the only one with access to leather in the truest sense of the word, but that still doesn't explain the clean lines and beautiful seaming of the jacket.
Also, isn't Buttercup supposed to be orange. I always imagined her orange.
Yes, Buttercup should have been orange, even the name suggests the cat to be an orange color! I think District 12 was spot on too, mom said that it looks like it was shot in West Liberty (pre-tornado, she lived there she can say that). I was diappointed that there wasn't enough significance put on the fact that these people are starving to death. The cave scene wasn't enough, would it have hurt to put in the role of the girl that gave Katniss the pin w/that whole back story to come!! Peeta didn't have his leg amputated. And if you didn't read the book would you have really gotten that Peeta was head over heels in love with Katniss but Katniss was just playing a role!
ReplyDeleteEven though I have my complaints about it, I loved it.