First of all, thank you Daisy for hosting our first ever Book Ends Book Club meeting. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we had a wonderful time.
We embarked on our first venture, well everyone except Jessi I believe, into book clubdom. Our expectations were low, but how bad can it be when you get 12 friends together to discuss an AWESOME book? It was great!
We started our discussion by each naming our favorite character and though there were some varying reasons, I think the top three vote-getters were Katniss, Peeta and Cinna. Katniss was loved for her strength, Peeta for his unwavering love and Cinna for his subtle presence and loyalty.
Questions were found through various internet sites and divided up among the ladies for discussion. The questions led to a wide variety of discussions including homeless people in America, the perception of the media and the empowerment of youth.
While the tone of the book was one of despair and hopelessness, the overall impression of the main character, Katniss, was that of strength. She experienced love, loss, inexplicable violence and the realization of her own mortality all while trying to survive in a game she seemed destined to play.
Though we didn't actually take a vote, I think I can say with a clear conscience that everyone loved the book. The Book Ends give the book 4 1/2 out of 5 stars!!!